Great IT website

Great IT website I would like to recommend to IT professionals
Free computer help. Computer help online
Computer instructions. Tips and walkthroughs for computers
Questions and answers on computer topics. FAQ on computers and servers
Description of computer programs. Useful computer programs
Computer mini instructions. Small short instructions for setting up computers and servers
Help with computer problems. Online troubleshooting when working with computers
script examples. Scripts for Windows and Linux administration. Scripts to automate server administration
computer terms. Description of computer terms in simple words
Blue screen of death - what to do. How to Diagnose a Windows Kernel Error
CentOS 8 Review. What's New. Where can I download. system requirements
How to choose accessories for your computer. What do you need to know when buying PC parts
Which OS to choose for the file server. Which operating system is best for a file server
What are file servers? Variety of file servers. File Server Deployment Options
General address book for Postfix. Global list of mail addresses for the mail server
Getting information about a computer on UNIX. Information about iron
How to maintain a server. Proper server maintenance
How much does it cost to set up a server. What determines the price of setting up a server
How to start setting up any UNIX server
Comparison operators in UNIX shell. Examples of writing IF in UNIX scripts
Version 1C. Overview of all 1C:Enterprise products. What versions of the 1C program exist
Overview of Windows Server 2016. How to license Windows 2016. What's new in Windows Server 2016
All versions of Windows. Desktop and server versions of Windows. Windows Version Comparison
SSH to CentOS via Active Directory. Authenticate on Linux with a domain controller account
How to buy a program online. Software over the Internet
An example of installing NGINX with Ansible. Using playbook and role in Ansible
Setting up Windows to manage with Ansible. How to Manage Windows Computers with Ansible
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Installing Asterisk + FreePBX on CentOS 8
How to set up automatic IP address acquisition
How to disable autoplay. windows autoload. Autostart programs
Installing and configuring Bareos on Rocky Linux. Using a backup server
Boot from disk in bios. BIOS setup for booting from a disk or flash drive
bios signals. bios signals.
Building deb packages from scratch. An example of creating your own package for Debian-based systems
How to create your RPM package. Step by step instructions with examples.
Full web server on CentOS 7 - NGINX + Apache (httpd) + MySQL + PHP-FPM (fastCGI) + FTP + PHPMyAdmin + Memcached + xCache
Full web server on CentOS 8 - NGINX + Apache (httpd) + MySQL + PHP-FPM (fastCGI) + FTP + PHPMyAdmin + Memcached
Setting up Ceph on CentOS 7. Deploying a Ceph disk cluster on Linux CentOS. Failover disk storage using Ceph
How to change mac address in windows. Changing the physical address of a network card
How to do a disk check. Windows Team
How to set up SSH on Cisco, cisco ssh
How to enable cookies. Enable cookies. Cookies in the browser.
How to split a hard drive into two in Windows
DKIM + Postfix. Setting up dkim + postfix for FreeBSD, Ubuntu and CentOS. Mail protection with DKIM
How to find a driver by device code. Drivers by code, drivers by id.
Install sound driver
How to update the video card driver. Update NVIDIA and AMD drivers
Installing and configuring ELK on CentOS. Using Elasticsearch + Kibana + Logstash on Linux
Setting up and using Fail2ban. Linux password protection
Complete setup of a file server on Windows Server. How to properly set up a Windows file server. Tips for setting up file servers
How to install Flash Player. Install or update flash player. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Yandex Browser, Vivaldi, Internet Explorer, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Amigo
Installing and configuring Flussonic media server on Linux
Setting up samba4 on FreeBSD 10. Instruction and video
Using GLPI. Instructions for installing and configuring on CentOS. Working with the GLPI ticket system
Grafana Loki - installation and configuration on Linux. Collection of logs on the server
Setting up a web server on CentOS 7 for sites. Do-it-yourself hosting.
How to choose the right server
How to enter BIOS. Ways to enter the BIOS
Tuning nginx. Optimizing the nginx webserver. Improving the performance of nginx
Setting up Freeradius for Active Directory and MySQL
How to set up an OpenVPN server and enable LDAP (Active Directory) authentication
How to set up a router. Set up WiFi on the router. Distribute the Internet with a router
Installing and configuring Icecast. Broadcast server on Windows and Linux
IIS + PHP + MySQL. Installing and configuring a web server on Windows Server
Internet for two computers. Share the Internet. Two computers to the Internet.
iPerf: installation and configuration. How to use iPerf to test network speed
Setting up iptables. Creating iptables rules to configure the firewall. Commands for configuring iptables
Installing and configuring iRedMail on CentOS
iRedMail mail server on Ubuntu/Debian. Postfix + Dovecot + SSL + Roundcube + POP3 + IMAP + control panel
How to enable javascript. Enable or disable javascript in the browser: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Yandex Browser, Vivaldi, Internet Explorer, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Amigo
How many bytes in megabyte, kilobyte, gigabyte, megabyte kilobyte
Kubernetes cluster - installation and configuration on Linux Ubuntu
L2TP server on CentOS 8. Installing and configuring a VPN server on Linux to be able to connect using standard Windows tools
Working with LVM Disk media management with Logical Volume Manager
How to find out the mac address, physical address, network card, router
Setting up a mail server for mass mailing. Postfix for sending emails
Mail server on CentOS 8 - Postfix + Dovecot + IMAP + MariaDB + PostfixAdmin + Roundcube + ClamAV + Spamassassin + Antispam + Encryption
Debian Mail Server - Postfix + Dovecot + IMAP + MariaDB + PostfixAdmin + Roundcube + ClamAV + Spamassassin + Antispam + Encryption
Mail server on Ubuntu Server - Postfix + Dovecot + IMAP + MariaDB + PostfixAdmin + Roundcube + ClamAV + Spamassassin + Antispam + Encryption
How to set up a MariaDB cluster. Configuring MariaDB Replication
Find out the model of the motherboard. Ways to identify the motherboard
NGINX + Apache + MySQL + PHP-FPM (fastCGI) + FTP + PHPMyAdmin + Memcached on Ubuntu. complete web server
What programs are needed for a computer, a standard set of programs
How to restore MySQL replication. Restoring a MySQL Cluster. Instructions for fixing MySQL/MariaDB replication
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nginx+rtmp. Broadcast video from a web server. Installing and configuring nginx-rtmp-module
Install Openfire on CentOS. Setting up an instant messaging server
Installing Openfire on Ubuntu Server. Setting up an instant messaging server
Installing and configuring OpenVPN on Linux CentOS 7. Instructions for configuring a VPN server on CentOS
Setting up an OpenVPN server on Windows. Installing OpenVPN on Windows, creating certificates, configuring the client
OpenVPN on Linux Ubuntu - server installation and configuration
How to Install OpenVZ on CentOS and Create a Virtual Container
Setting up a Pacemaker cluster. Failover server on CentOS
Postfix on CentOS 7 + everything you need: Dovecot + IMAP + MariaDB + PostfixAdmin + Roundcube + ClamAV + Spamassassin + Antispam + Encryption
How to take a screenshot on a computer. Ways to take a screenshot
ProFTPd FTP server on CentOS 7
Installing Project Server 2010. Instructions for installing and configuring MS Project Server
Installing the Prometheus monitoring system on Linux
Installing Proxmox Virtual Environment. Setting up a virtualization system
Using Python to work with mail. IMAP connection in Python, sending mail
QGIS + PostGIS + PostgreSQL on CentOS. Setting up QGIS data storage on the database server
Installing and configuring puppet on CentOS
Installing and using Remote Desktop Gateway on Windows Server
Starting the Recovery Console, Windows Recovery Console
How to do a system restore, system restore
Rsync Server: Setting Up Synchronization on CentOS and Ubuntu
How to start your computer in safe mode
Installing Samba on CentOS 8. Setting up a file server on Linux
Installing Samba on Ubuntu Setting up a file server on Linux
installation setup freebsd 10 + apache24 + php + mysql
Nginx + PHP + MySQL on Astra Linux
Configuring SharePoint. Instructions for installing and using MS Sharepoint
How to check internet speed. internet speed test. How to check the provider
Installing and configuring Squid on CentOS. Transparent proxy, HTTPS
Installing and configuring Squid on Ubuntu. Transparent proxy, HTTPS
Installing and configuring the Taiga server on Rocky Linux
Installing and configuring TeamPass. Password storage portal
How to properly configure a terminal server on Windows. Complete installation and configuration of the terminal server
Buy a computer in the online store. How to buy in Citylink
Hashicorp Vault installation and configuration. Centralized storage of secrets
Installing and configuring VMmanager
Setting up vsFTPd on CentOS 7. Installing an FTP server on CentOS. vsFTPd + TLS, virtual users, using mysql
How to check Windows version. Get to know your Windows. Display operating system version.
Installing and configuring WSUS. Microsoft Product Update Server
Setting up a Zimbra mail server on Linux
Python script to test the website. Reloading the web server when receiving an error from the site
Exchange index monitoring. Script to test the search in Outlook
Script to automatically increase the quota of Exchange mailboxes. Script to detect and increase the Exchange mailbox limit
Script to search for users in the Administrators groups. An example of a Powershell script to search for administrators on Windows servers
PHP script to create a mailbox in iRedMail
MySQL backup script. An example script for creating a MySQL backup. MySQL backup script example
Forming a list of servers in phpMyAdmin
Python script for uploading mail addresses via LDAP
Python script to monitor MariaDB or MySQL replication
Collecting file usage statistics on Windows
Changing the status of a node in Zabbix using the API. An example of a PHP script for Zabbix API to enable or disable nodes
How to delete objects marked for deletion in 1C. 1C complete removal
Installing 1C server on Ubuntu. Setting up a server 1C on Linux
3proxy on CentOS. Installing and configuring a proxy server
3proxy on Ubuntu. Installing and configuring a proxy server
Working with 7zip from the command line. Backup with 7-zip
Removing a domain controller. Downgrade to Member Server
How to manage FSMO using Powershell. Transfer FSMO roles. Learn FSMO Roles
How to manually remove a domain controller. Using ntdsutil to remove an AD DS server
Working with the Active Directory Schema
How to disable AdBlock Plus. Disabling AdBlock Plus in browsers
Installing and running the Alerta server on Linux Ubuntu. Server for collecting alarm events
Setting up and using NGINX Amplify. Web server monitoring
How to install Ansible on CentOS or Ubuntu. Ansible CentOS or Ubuntu install.
Examples of working with Ansible. Cheat Sheet on Using the Configuration Management System
Ansible roles for installing and configuring servers
Configuring Apache to work over HTTPS. Apache + SSL
1C database publishing in Apache on Windows. Setting up access to 1C via the web
Installing Asterisk on CentOS Setting up PBX asterisk on Linux CentOS 7
Asterisk + MySQL or MariaDB. Setting up Asterisk connection with the database
Installing Asterisk on Ubuntu Instructions for quick setup of PBX
Configuring Command Completion in Linux. Addition of previously entered commands. Linux autocomplete command
Autodiscover for mail server. Automatic Mail Configuration
Mail handling automation on Ubuntu. Script to download email attachments
Disable Windows automatic restart on BSOD. Disable reboot on blue screen
Create a virtual machine in Amazon Web Services
Data backup and recovery in Bitrix24
Data encryption when backing up with Bareos
Server of calendars and address books Baikal. Installation on Linux CentOS
Installing bind on CentOS. Basic bind setup on Linux. Installing and configuring a DNS server on a UNIX system
Primary zone setup in bind. Creating a master zone in DNS BIND.
Adding a secondary zone to bind. Configuring a Secondary Zone in the BIND DNS Server
Setting up a Stub zone on Bind. Redirect DNS queries for a specific zone
Bind on Ubuntu - installation and configuration. DNS Server on Ubuntu Server
Bitrix24 on CentOS. Installing and configuring CRM from 1C on Linux
Setting up sending mail from Bitrix24 without getting into SPAM
Create a bootable flash drive. Windows Live CD on removable media. Drive for installing Windows and Linux
Installing and configuring Brainy on CentOS 7. Free hosting control panel
Update Root Certificates on Windows. Manual installation of up-to-date root certificates
Disabling IPv6 on CentOS. Several ways to disable the use of IP version 6
How to Set Up Networking on CentOS 7 and 8. Configuring Networking on CentOS
Working with the package manager in CentOS. Using dnf/yum
Accessing the CMS through SQL Server. Creating an administrator in the DBMS of various CMS
Setting up the Collabora +Nextcloud/Owncloud server
Fetchmail + Procmail mail collector. Saving emails from a mail provider in Dovecot
Ways to bring a computer into a domain. The command to join a computer to a domain. Join computer to domain command line
Changing the name of the Windows computer in many ways. Change computer name in GUI and command line.
Setting up free mail systems to connect via IMAP or POP3. Configuring a connection from a mail program to GMAIL, Yandex
Setting up a Consul Hashicorp cluster on Rocky Linux (CentOS)
Configuring the Consul agent. Service Registration Examples
Installing and using Consul Template
Coturn server on CentOS. Your own STUN/TURN server on Linux
Deploying a Django project to an Nginx server
Installing and configuring DFS on Windows Server 2012 R2. GUI DFS Management
Installing and configuring DFS using Powershell. DFS Powershell Install
Installing and configuring a DHCP server on CentOS 7. Server for distributing IP addresses on Linux CentOS
Reserving an IP address on a DHCP server in Linux. Fixed IP for DHCP client
Examples of using Dnsmasq. Installation and setup in Linux
Configuring DNSSEC on BIND. Securing DNS Responses on a Linux Server
Installing Docker on Linux. Examples of working with Ubuntu and CentOS
Your own Docker hub. How to set up a Docker image repository internally
Your Docker image. Building and downloading a Docker container
How to build your own Docker image with a web server
EAP + Freeradius + FreeIPA. Instructions for setting up authorization on WiFi
EAP-TTLS + Freeradius + FreeIPA. Authorization on WiFi via FreeIPA
How to uninstall Microsoft Edge. How to remove Microsoft Edge.
How to enable network adapter. How to disable network adapter. How to turn on a disabled network connection in Windows
How to generate passwords in excel. Create passwords with Excel
Increasing the time to reserve a resource in Exchange
Working with Exchange databases. Cheat sheet for working with a mail message file using the example of Exchange 2010
Configuring a purchased certificate for Exchange Server. Import pem certificate in Exchange Server
How to create a mail contact in Exchange Server
Dynamic distribution groups in Exchange Server. Newsletter without manual editing of groups
Change FQDN for Exchange mail server. Setting up a domain to connect to Exchange Server
Exchange limit on RAM usage. Reducing the memory footprint of the Microsoft Exchange MDB Store process
Setting limits in Exchange Server. Changing mail server limits from Microsoft
How to add a photo to Exchange. Photos of employees in Exchange Server. Add Photos to Outlook
Working with queues in MS Exchange Server
How to increase the mailbox size in exchange. Extend mailbox quota in exchange server
Working with message statistics in Exchange Server
Disk expansion in Linux. section enlargement.
Enable Windows File Access Auditing in Pictures
Installing Firebird on Linux CentOS 7
Firebird + PHP on Linux. Enabling Interbase Firebird Support in PHP on Ubuntu and CentOS
Firebird + PHP 7.3 and above on Linux. Connecting to a DBMS using PDO Firebird
SQL queries in Firebird. Select, insert, update, delete examples for Firebird
How to turn off Windows Firewall. How to turn on Windows Firewall. Instructions for disabling and enabling firewall in Windows
Configuring firewalld. How to work with firewalld on CentOS. Creating rules in firewalld
Mounting CIFS on FreeBSD. CIFS FreeBSD. Automounting CIFS on FreeBSD via fstab
Changing the MAC address in FreeBSD. Assigning a MAC address from the command line and in the rc.conf file on FreeBSD
Removing and creating routes in FreeBSD. Prescribing network routes in the rc.conf file. Add Static Route to FreeBSD OS
Cheat sheet for working with users in FreeBSD. How to create and edit users in FreeBSD
FreeIPA Backup and Restore
Setting up FreeIPA. Installing and using an LDAP server on Linux CentOS
Installing and configuring a FreeIPA replica on CentOS. Secondary user authentication server based on FreeIPA
Freeradius server installation on CentOS 8
Installing and configuring Freeradius on Rocky Linux. Binding to LDAP based on FreeIPA
Storing radpostauth in MySQL. Setting up Freeradius to send logs to an alternative MySQL server
Setting up a shared address book in email clients
Internet gateway on Ubuntu - configuring deb-Linux as a gateway
Get a free Let's Encrypt certificate. Working with Linux and Windows
Using GitHub on Linux. How to use a GitHub service using the UNIX command line
Installing GitLab on Linux CentOS
Using Hashicorp Vault to Store GitLab Passwords
Setting up GitLab CI/CD. Using Runner to Automatically Update a Project on Servers
Installing GitLab on Linux Ubuntu Server
GLPI update. Instructions for migrating to a new version of GLPI
Migration of group policies. Copying Domain Controller GPOs
Authentication in Grafana through Active Directory
Installing and configuring Grafana on Linux
Creating graphs for Prometheus metrics in Grafana
Grafana update on Linux
Installing Hadoop on Ubuntu Cluster setup.
HAProxy on CentOS 7. Installing and configuring network traffic proxy
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Configuring the Hyper-V Management Console Without a Domain
Installing Ignition on a Linux Server
Installing InfluxDB on Ubuntu. initial configuration
InfluxDB + PHP: Server Setup and Sample Code
Installing the domain controller role. Installing active directory. How to set up an ad ds domain controller on Windows Server
Setting Multiple IP Addresses on NIC in Linux CentOS
Disabling IPv6 on Linux. Universal way to disable IP version 6 in Linux
Backup and restore iRedMail. Transfer to a new server
Update iRedMail from version 0.9.9 to 1.0
Update iRedMail from version 1.0 to 1.1
How to update mail server with iRedMail
ISPmanager installation. Control Panel on Ubuntu and CentOS
Installing iVMS-4200 on Ubuntu. Program for viewing video from cameras on a computer with Linux
Setting up the voice menu on Asterisk. Using IVR on Asterisk
Installing Jenkins on Linux CentOS
Getting started with pipeline in Jenkins. CI/CD preparation and Groovy script example
Installing Jenkins on Linux Ubuntu
Jira - installation and configuration. Using the bug tracker on Ubuntu
Install jmeter on Linux CentOS. start testing.
Remote storage of logs in Journald. Storing Linux logs on another server
Jupyter Notebook on Linux CentOS - Install and Run
Configuring Kerio VPN Client on Linux Ubuntu
CentOS kernel update. Installing the system kernel with yum or
Installing and configuring KVM on CentOS 7. Instructions for working with virtual machines based on KVM
Installing KVM Drivers for Guest Windows
KVM on Ubuntu Server. Installing, configuring and creating a virtual machine
L2TP VPN server on CentOS 7. Installing and configuring VPN server
L2TP server on Ubuntu. Installing and configuring a VPN server on Linux for the ability to connect using standard Windows tools
Certificate for Linux in Active Directory Certificate Services
How to change the computer name in Linux. Change computer name in Linux. Linux change hostname
Mounting CIFS shares in Linux. CIFS Linux. CIFS mount Linux
How to copy the system partition in Linux. Transferring a system disk in Linux
Automatic disk mounting in Linux. Setting up fstab for mounting. Linux auto mount
How to create a GPT disk in Linux. Disk over 2TB in Linux. Working with GPT on Linux Using parted for GPT
A cheat sheet on working with users in Linux. Creating, editing and deleting users in Linux. Using useradd, usermod and userdel
Examples of logrotate settings. Cheat sheet with logrotate configs
Logrotate FreeBSD. How to Set Up Log Rotation in FreeBSD
Using Logrotate on Linux How to set up automatic log cleanup
Installing and configuring the Lsyncd service. Directory Synchronization in Linux
Sending mail from the Linux command line. Send mail with the mail command
How to create and delete symlinks. Working with symbolic links in Windows and Linux
Redirecting calls from Mango PBX to Bitrix24. Recording mango calls in Bitrix24 CRM
Installing MariaDB on Linux Instructions for Rocky Linux, CentOS and Ubuntu
Creating a Linux RAID with mdadm. Disk fault tolerance
Monitoring LSI MegaRaid on Linux with Zabbix. Check RAID status with megacli
Install memcached on CentOS. How to speed up a web server on Linux
Redirecting requests to Mikrotik. port forwarding
Setting up Internet channel reservation on Mikrotik. Two providers at the same time for fault tolerance.
Mikrotik initial setup. MikroTik home router
Guest wireless network on a Mikrotik router
Disable window thumbnails for minimized applications. Hide thumbnails on hover in the taskbar
MongoDB installation on Ubuntu. As well as setup and connection.
Mono on Ubuntu. Setting up a web server for ASP
Installing Motion on Linux Ubuntu
Linux NTFS. How to mount NTFS on Linux. Mount NTFS flash drive in Linux. NTFS mount Linux
Backup MS SQL Server
Optimization of MS SQL Server for 1C server. Setting up fast MS SQL Server for 1C
Installing MS SQL on Ubuntu. SQL server from Microsoft on Linux
How to change MTU. Changing the value for the maximum network packet size
How to find out the MTU value. View MTU on Windows and UNIX
Setting up and using mutt. Reading mail via IMAP or POP with Mutt
Removing (cleaning) mysql-bin logs for MySQL or MariaDB
MySQL create database. MySQL delete database. Command to create a database in MySQL. How to delete databases in MySQL
How to dump MySQL. Dump MySQL. MySQL database backup
Creating and deleting indexes in MySQL. MySQL index create. An example of creating an index for MySQL or MariaDB
MySQL max connections. How to change MySQL connection limit
Path to MySQL and MariaDB database. Change database file locations
Restoring a MySQL database from a dump. Recovery MySQL. Using a MySQL backup
How to show slow MySQL queries. MySQL Long Query Logging
How to create a MySQL and MariaDB user. How to give rights to a MySQL user. Managing permissions and users in MySQL
network card driver update. How to install the network adapter driver
Linux network setup with netplan
Nextcloud + Apache - installation and configuration
Installing and configuring NextCloud on CentOS.
Nextcloud + LDAP. Setting up domain user authentication in Nextcloud
Installing and configuring Nextcloud + NGINX on Ubuntu
Setting up an NFS server on FreeBSD. An easy way to mount a FreeBSD directory over the network
Using NGINX for load balancing. Configuring upstream to distribute http requests.
Installing NGINX on CentOS 7.
Restrictions and limits in NGINX: access by IP and password
Deploying NGINX + NodeJS on Linux Ubuntu. Installing and configuring server components.
Backend response caching with NGINX
Mail proxying with NGINX. Proxy IMAP, POP3, SMTP
nginx redirects. Examples of redirects in NGINX.
NGINX + LDAP. Transparent authentication with the SPNEGO module
Proper configuration of https support in NGINX. How to pass SSL verification
How to use the nslookup command. DNS Polling from the Command Line
Setting up an NTP server on CentOS 8. Time synchronization server on Linux
Setting up an NTP server on Ubuntu. Linux Time Synchronization Server
How to change the OneDrive folder. How to change the OneDrive location.
Adding a filter to Opencart. Selection of goods on the site
Installing opencart and adding a template
Installing OpenMeetings server on CentOS 8. Setting up video conferencing on Linux
OpenShift on Rocky Linux - installation and launch
Update OpenSSL on CentOS. New version of openssl on CentOS
Installing and configuring an OpenVPN server on CentOS 8
Setting up an OpenVPN client. Examples, description of parameters
Generating Certificates for OpenVPN with Easy-RSA 3
Configuring OpenVPN + FreeIPA on CentOS 7. Authentication to VPN via LDAP
Configuring local network access for OpenVPN clients. openvpn local network. Configuring firewall and forward for OpenVPN
Oracle auto_increment. Autocomplete field in Oracle by adding one
Installing and configuring OwnCloud on CentOS
How to install pacemaker. Instructions for installing and running Pacemaker on Linux CentOS 7
Building the NGINX RPM package. How to make your installation package on CentOS
PageSpeed ​​- Installation and Configuration for NGINX and Apache
How to recover windows password. Reset Windows Serer 2008 and 2012 password. Recover Windows local administrator password
Using pflogsumm. Getting mail statistics
Installing and configuring pfSense. Using a software firewall/router based on FreeBSD
Set up a remote connection to PostgreSQL. Allow remote access on PostgreSQL
Adding PHP Version to Apache Web Server on CentOS 7. Multiple PHP Versions on One Server
Connecting to MariaDB from PHP using ODBC
PHP session time. Where to set the web server session time
Installing php different version on linux ubuntu
Install PHP 7 on Linux CentOS 7.
Installing and configuring phplist on Linux Ubuntu. Web interface for mailing lists
phplist update. Installing a new version of phplist on top of an existing one
using phplist. How to work with PHPLIST mailing list manager
phplist - installation and configuration on Linux CentOS. Web interface for sending mail messages
Installing phpMyAdmin on CentOS. Web interface for managing MySQL and MariaDB DBMS
How to export database in phpMyAdmin. Backing up MySQL with phpMyAdmin. MySQL dump in phpMyAdmin
Updating phpMyAdmin on Linux. Instructions for changing the version of phpMyAdmin
Update phpMyFAQ on Linux
Options for the ping command. Using the ping command
Configuring authorization when sending messages to Postfix
Configuring Postfix and Dovecot in conjunction with LDAP. Storing information about domains and mailing addresses in a directory service
Message content filtering in Postfix. Checking the content of incoming mail using Spamassassin.
Limits in Postfix. message size limit. message limit
Sending mail from Postfix via Yandex mail server
Working with message queue in Postfix
Setting up mail forwarding in Postfix. Sending via another SMTP. copy incoming and outgoing
PostfixAdmin on CentOS 7. Installing and configuring the web interface for managing Postfix
Enabling verbose logging in PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL backup. PG_DUMP. Data backup and recovery
Installing PostgreSQL on CentOS version 7 or 8
Setting up PostgreSQL replication between Docker containers
Setting up PostgreSQL replication. Postgre Database Failover Cluster
How to work with users in PostgreSQL in examples. How to add and remove a user in PostgreSQL. Assign database permissions in PostgreSQL
Working with Active Directory groups using powershell.
Download and extract the file using Powershell. A small script to download a file from the Internet
How to create a virtual machine in Hyper-V on Powershell. Using the New-VM Cmdlet to Create a Virtual Machine
Configuring Powershell Script Run Through Group Policy (GPO)
Working with Active Directory users through Powershell. Set-aduser example for editing a user. powershell ad user edit
Working with processes in Linux. Commands for managing system processes in a Linux system
ProFTPd on Ubuntu Server. Installing and configuring an FTP server on Linux
Requests to Prometheus for monitoring system metrics
Converting a Proxmox Virtual Disk to a VMware Disk
Setting up a Proxmox VE cluster. Merging multiple Proxmox hosts
Using Pushgateway to push metrics to Prometheus
How to transfer history to QIP. How to save QIP history
Working with queues in Asterisk
Setting up quotas when using Dovecot + PostfixAdmin
Setting up quotas in Linux. Disk usage limit
RabbitMQ: installation on Linux, configuration and use. How to get started with RabbitMQ
Examples of configuring the rclone utility for storing archives in the cloud
Setting RDP session limits
Working with Redis - installation, configuration, connection. Working on a Linux Ubuntu system
Simple installation of Redmine on Ubuntu. Configuring the Project Management Server
Shrink XFS Root Partition on LVM
Working with the Windows Registry from the Command Line Regedit Windows command line
Three steps to set up Windows Remote Desktop. Configuring Windows Remote Access
Your own CentOS repository. Installing a local server with a repository
Rocket.Chat server on Ubuntu. Installing and configuring your chat service
Updating Root Certificates on Linux
Installing Roundcube on a dedicated server. Using Roundcube for Multiple Mail Servers
How to manage routes in CentOS. Add route to CentOS. Delete route in CentOS
Internet gateway on CentOS 7
An example of building your package for Prometheus Server on CentOS
Setting up rsyslog. Storing logs on a Linux server
How to share a folder in Samba. Setting up a shared folder on a Samba server
Web interface for managing Squid. Installing and configuring SAMS on Ubuntu
Web interface for managing Squid. Installing and configuring SAMS on CentOS 7
Setting up SARG on the SQUID server. website visit statistics
Using scp without a password. SCP without password. SCP with key authentication
Search in Linux. How to find a file in Linux. find command. How to search in Linux
How to disable Selinux. How to turn off the Selinux security system on Linux systems
SELinux configuration examples. How to set up SELinux with examples
Own SELinux policy. Description of the process of creation and application.
Configuring SELinux on CentOS. SELinux Configuration Examples
How to open windows services. How to start a snap-in with Windows services.
Setting up and creating shadow copies in Windows. Include previous versions of files and folders
Working with shared calendars in Exchange. Set up and access your calendar in Outlook
Setting up a MajorDoMo smart home on Ubuntu
Using SMTP commands. Sending mail. Using telnet to send mail
Different zones for different networks in bind. Split DNS on one server
Examples of SQL queries in MariaDB or MySQL. Simple and complex SQL queries
Authorization on SQUID via Active Directory
Configuring SquidGuard on CentOS 7. Squid + SquidGuard
SSH Chroot. Setting up a home directory for SFTP
How to speed up SSH login. What to do if SSH is slow
Linux systemctl cheat sheet. How to use the systemctl command
A cheat sheet on using tar on UNIX systems. How to create an archive in Linux. How to unpack tar.gz
Installing Teamcity + MariaDB on Linux Ubuntu
team setup. Teaming Network Interfaces in CentOS
Passing metrics to InfluxDB from telegraf. Collecting data from the operating system and storing them in a time series storage database
How to see the temperature of the processor and video card. Program for determining the temperature of the computer.
Manual update of the time zone
Installing Apache Tomcat on Ubuntu
Installing and configuring TrueConf Server on Windows. Free video conferencing server.
Setting up trust relationships between Active Directory domains
How to disable UAC. Disable UAC in Windows. Disabling Windows User Account Control
How to allow ssh root login in ubuntu. Enable root in SSH.
Configure the Ubuntu USB server to usbip. USB over IP on Linux Ubuntu
Decommissioning and Removing the Excange 2010 Mail Server
How to view free space on UNIX partitions. Find out the remaining space in Linux and FreeBSD directories and partitions. Which folder takes up all the space in Linux
Forwarding USB over the network using CentOS. Installing and configuring usb-redirector-linux. USB over IP on Linux CentOS
Installing and configuring NGINX + uWSGI. Web server for running Python applications
Hashicorp Vault + Consul cluster. Failsafe password management system on CentOS
Configuring Hashicorp Vault to Store Ansible Secrets
How to manage PostgreSQL accounts through Hashicorp Vault. Automatic password change
Vault Agent Templates - installation and configuration. Automatic action on secret change in Hashicorp Vault
IOT VEGA Server + Pulse + Admin Tools on Ubuntu
How to install Virtualbox. Virtualbox Installation Instructions
Configuring VLANs on CentOS 7
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How to install VMware Tools on FreeBSD. Instructions for installing VMware Tools on UNIX FreeBSD
How to install VMware Tools on Linux. Instructions for installing VMware Tools on Ubuntu or CentOS
Remote Desktop on Ubuntu. VNC server
Setting up an OpenVPN server on Mikrotik.
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Load analysis on a Linux web server. Web server load monitoring.
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manual wordpress update. Installing updates for the CMS
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Xibo server on Ubuntu - installation and configuration. Platform for digital signage on Linux
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Installing Zabbix agent on CentOS. Zabbix agent CentOS
Installing the Zabbix agent on Windows. Deploying the zabbix-agent service on Windows
Monitoring MySQL replication with Zabbix
Monitoring PostgreSQL replication with Zabbix
Installing and configuring Zabbix Server on Ubuntu. Monitoring Server on Linux Ubuntu
Installing and configuring Zabbix Server on CentOS. Monitoring server on Linux CentOS
Installing and configuring Zabbix Server 5 on CentOS 8. Monitoring server on Linux
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Installing and configuring Zookeeper. Creating a cluster.
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CCleaner how to use. instructions. Proper use of CCleaner
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USB not recognized
permanent disk check, disable disk check
Some sites won't open. Vcontacte, classmates
The properties of the folder are gone. Folder properties disappeared
The game won't start. Game crashes to desktop
The task manager has been disabled by the administrator. How to enable via registry or AVZ
Banner on the desktop how to remove (remove) without SMS
There is no sound on the computer. lost sound. sound problems. Sound doesn't work. no sound
NTLDR is missing. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart - how to fix
.exe files do not start | .exe files not opening
Disc won't open
When turned off, the computer restarts. What to do if the computer restarts instead of restarting
The computer is restarting
The computer or laptop does not turn on. Nothing appears on the computer screen. Black screen after turning on the computer
1c vista sort order, 7.7, windows
Missing desktop, start menu won't load
Video does not work on the computer. There is no video on the internet. Video not playing in browser
Hal.dll, hall.dll, Windows system does not boot
Remove banner from Internet Explorer, requires SMS, virus
BIOS keeps running. When you turn on the computer, only the settings menu is loaded
Black screen when loading Windows. Black screen instead of desktop. Windows won't boot
The computer does not boot - it freezes on the splash screen. Black screen with blinking cursor.
[Errno 14] PYCURL ERROR 22 - The requested URL returned error: 404. yum update and yum install not working on CentOS or Red Hat
Overheating computer, overheating processor, video card
Dancing girl on the desktop clean
The disk may be full or write-protected, or the file may be in use by another application. No access when deleted
The device does not work with code 37. In the device manager, code 37
The disk is 100% loaded. Drive C is 100% used. Computer freezes due to disk
Disk boot failure. Windows won't boot. Insert system disk and press enter
The monitor turns off. The screen goes blank, but the computer continues to work. Blinking image
Solving the blue screen problem 0x0000009F. DRIVER POWER STATE FAILURE
Exchange Error: The FIP-FS Microsoft Scan Engine failed to load
Flash Player is not installed. Error installing Flash Player
The screen flipped. flipped desktop. hotkeys
GRUB hangs and requires pressing Enter
The path to the source is too long. Error while deleting files
The system does not see all the RAM. The BIOS does not detect the entire amount of memory
Files are not visible on the flash drive, files from the flash drive are missing
The language bar is gone. How to restore the language bar
Outlook displays folders in English. Folder names in Outlook + Exchange in English. Restoring folders in MS Outlook
How to fix Authentication token lock busy error
The computer turns off by itself. Computer turns on then immediately turns off
User Profile Service Prevents Logon
Editing the registry is prohibited by the system administrator. What to do
The computer is running slowly. Windows freezes. The computer began to slow down. Poor PC performance
SpeedFan does not change the speed of coolers. SpeedFan does not regulate fans.
Touchpad doesn't work. How to enable touchpad. Mousepad stopped working on laptop
Unknown system variable lc_messages MySQL. lc_messages error in phpMyAdmin
Failed to configure Windows updates. Windows stuck on canceling updates. Windows won't boot due to undo changes after update
Unable to load VGCore.dll. Error Code : 126. Corel Draw won't start.
What is 1C:Enterprise. 1C: Enterprise in simple words
What is 1C. What is the program 1C. What is the 1C programming language. 1C Bitrix
What is 3proxy. 3proxy in simple words
What is 4G. Comparison of 4G with 3G. What networks are based on 4G
What is 7-zip. 7-zip in simple terms
Active Directory in simple terms. What is Active Directory. What is Active Directory for?
What is adblock. How to disable adblock
What is an account. Account in simple terms
What is ansible. Ansible in simple terms
What is apache. Apache in simple terms
What is API in simple terms. How to use it
What is Asterisk. Asterisk in simple words
What is BalenaOS. Balena OS in simple words
What is Bareos. Bareos in simple words
What is a bad sector. Bad sector in simple words
What is BIND. BIND DNS server
What is BIOS. BIOS in simple terms
What is bitcoin. bitcoin in simple words
What is Bitrix24. Bitrix24 in simple words
What is a blog. Blog in simple words
What is bluetooth. What is Bluetooth for? What is the difference between Bluetooth and WiFi
What is Blu-Ray. The maximum resolution of a Blu-ray movie.
What is a browser. Browser in simple terms
What is the blue screen of death. Blue screen of death in simple terms
What is caching. Caching in simple terms
What is cache. Cache in simple terms
What is Cassandra. Cassandra in simple words
What is CentOS. CentOS in simple terms
What is ceph. Ceph in simple words
What is a chipset. Chipset in simple words
What is CI/CD. CI/CD in simple terms
What is CIFS. CIFS in simple terms
What is ClamAV. ClamAV in simple words
What is ClickHouse. ClickHouse in simple terms
What is Clipboard. clipboard in simple words
What is a cluster. Server cluster in simple terms
What is CMS. CMS in simple terms
What is DPC. Data center in simple words
What is a codec. codec in simple terms
What is Consul. Consul in simple terms
What are cookies (cookies). Cookies in simple words
What is a cooler in a computer. The principle of cooling with a cooler.
What is corosync. Corosync in simple terms
What is cPanel. CPanel in simple words
What is cron. Example jobs in cron. What is the crontab command. Task Scheduler in UNIX
What is CSS. CSS in simple words
What is a domain controller. Domain controller in simple terms
What is DFS. DFS in simple terms
What is DHCP. What is the working principle of DHCP
What is DirectX. DirectX in simple terms
What is a distribution. distribution in simple terms
What is DKIM. DKIM in simple words
What is DMARC. DMARC in simple terms
What is DNS. DNS in simple terms
What is dnsmasq. Dnsmasq in simple words
What is DNSSEC. DNSSEC in simple terms
What is docker. Docker in simple terms
What is a domain. Domain in simple terms
What is dovecot. Dovecot in simple words
What is a driver. Driver in simple words
What is ECP. EDS in simple words
What is elasticsearch. Elasticsearch in simple terms
What is email. Email in simple words
What is a 404 error. Error 404 in simple words
What is ethernet. Ethernet in simple terms
What is Exchange Server. Exchange Server in simple terms
What is fail2ban. Fail2ban in simple terms
What is FAT. Fat in simple words
What is fetchmail. Fetchmail in simple terms
What is a file server. File server in simple terms
What is a firewall. What is it for. Firewall in simple words
What is Flash Player. Flash Player in simple words
What is Flussonic Media Server. Flussonic Media Server in simple terms
What is FPS. What it should be. How to know your FPS
What is FreeBSD. FreeBSD in a nutshell
What is FreeIPA. FreeIPA in simple words
What is FreePBX. FreePBX in simple words
What is freeradius. Freeradius in simple words
What is FSMO. FSMO in simple terms
What is FTP. FTP in simple terms
What is a network gateway. network gateway in simple terms
What is Git. Git in simple terms
What is gitlab. GitLab in simple terms
What is GLPI. GLPI in simple terms
What is GlusterFS. GlusterFS in simple words
What is golang. Golang in simple words
What is GPT. GPT in simple terms
What is gradle. Gradle in simple words
What is Grafana Loki. Grafana Loki in simple words
What is grafana. Grafana in simple words
What is Hadop. Hadoop in simple words
What is HAProxy. HAProxy in simple words
What is a hard link. Hardlink is.
What is a hard drive. hard drive in simple terms
What is HDMI. HDMI in simple terms
What is heartbeat. heartbeat in simple words
What is hibernation. Hibernation in simple words
What is hosting in simple words. What determines the cost of hosting services. Types of histing
What is HTTPS. HTTPS in simple terms
404 Not Found
404 Not Found
What is IAX. IAX in simple words
What is icecast. Icecast in simple words
What is ICQ. What is an ICQ number and how to get or find out
What is IIS. IIS in simple words
What is IMAP. IMAP in simple words
What is an internet gateway. Internet gateway in simple terms
What is InfluxDB. InfluxDB in simple terms
What is an interface. interface in simple words
What is an Internet Service Provider. ISP in simple terms
What is an IP address. IP in simple words. His example. How to find out the IP address on your own or someone else's computer
What is iPerf. IPerf in simple words
What is IPSet. IPSet in simple words
What is iptables. Iptables in simple words
What is iRedMail. IRedMail in simple words
What is ISA Server. ISA Server in simple terms
What is an ISO image. ISO image in simple words
What is IVR. IVR in simple words
What is java. Java in simple words
What is javascript. Javascript in simple terms
What is Jenkins. Jenkins in simple words
What is jquery. What is JQuery and what does it eat with. A bit about jQuery
What is Keyran. Keyran in simple words
What is Kubernetes. Kubernetes in simple terms
What is KVM virtualization. KVM virtualization in simple terms
What is Let's Encrypt. Let's Encrypt in simple words
What is Linux. Linux in simple terms
What is a login. Login in simple words
What is LTE. LTE in simple terms
What is Lua. Lua in simple words
What is LVM. LVM in simple terms
What is a MAC address. MAC address in simple terms
What is in simple words
What is Mango PBX. Mango PBX in simple words
What is MAPI. MAPI in simple words
What is MariaDB. MariaDB in simple words
What is a motherboard. Motherboard in simple words
What is maven. Maven in simple words
What is MBR. MBR in simple terms
What is memcached. Memcached in simple words
What is working memory. RAM in simple words
What is Mikrotik. Mikrotik in simple words
What is MongoDB. MongoDB in simple terms
What is microsoft edge. Microsoft edge in simple words
What is MTU. MTU in simple words
What is mutt. Mutt in simple words
What is an MX record. MX record in simple words
What is MySQL. MySQL in simple terms
What is Nano Server. What roles does it support. pros and cons.
What is NAT. NAT in simple terms
What is .NET Framework. NET Framework in simple terms
What is NetBIOS. NetBIOS in simple terms
What is a netmask. Netmask in simple words
What is Nextcloud. Nextcloud in simple words
What is NFS. Linux network access protocol. Network File System in simple words
What is NGINX. NGINX in simple terms
What is Node.js. Node.js in simple terms
What is NTFS. NTFS in simple terms
What is NTP. NTP in simple words
What is HTML. Is HTML a programming language.
What is OEM. OEM in simple terms
What is onedrive. Onedrive in simple words
What is opencart. opencart in simple words
What is OpenVPN. OpenVPN in simple terms
What is OpenVZ. OpenVZ in simple terms
What is an operating system. operating system in simple terms
What is a pacemaker. Pacemaker in simple words
What is PAM. PAM in simple words
What is Patroni. Patroni in simple words
What is a PDU (power distribution unit). PDU in simple terms
What is PHP-FPM. PHP-FPM in simple terms
What is PHP. Definition of the term PHP. PHP programming language
What is phpMyAdmin. PhpMyAdmin in simple words
What is ping. Ping in simple terms
What is a plugin. Plugin in simple words
What is POP3. What port is it running on. Difference between POP3 and IMAP.
What is postfix. Postfix in simple terms
What is PostfixAdmin. PostfixAdmin in simple words
What is PostGIS. PostGIS in simple words
What is PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL in simple terms
What is powerpoint. Powerpoint in simple words
What is powershell. Powershell in simple terms
What is PPPoE. PPPoE in simple terms
What is a processor. Processor in simple terms
What is procmail. Procmail in simple words
What is Prometheus. Prometheus in simple terms
What is a proxy server. Proxy server in simple terms
What is a computer power supply. computer power supply in simple words
What is a PTR record. PTR record in simple words
What is Proxmox VE. Proxmox VE in simple words
What is python. Python in simple words
What is QGIS. QGIS in simple terms
What is QoS. QoS in simple terms
What is a QR code. QR code in simple words
What is RabbitMQ. RabbitMQ in simple terms
What is RAID. RAID in simple terms
What is RAW (format). RAW (format) in simple words
What is RAW (file system). RAW (file system) in simple terms
What is RAW. RAW in simple words
What is Rclone. Rclone in simple words
What is Remote Desktop Gateway. Remote Desktop Gateway in simple terms
What is Redis. Redis in simple terms
What is Redmine. Redmine in simple words
What is REDOS. RED OS in simple words
What is the Windows Registry. Windows registry in simple terms
What is RemoteApp. RemoteApp in simple terms
What is Rocky Linux. Rocky Linux in a Nutshell
What is root permissions. Get superuser access
What is roundcube. Roundcube in simple words
What is a router. router in simple terms
What is RSS. RSS in simple words
What is rsync. rsync in simple terms
What is RTMP. RTMP in simple terms
What is RTSP. RTSP in simple terms
What is safe mode. Safe mode in simple terms
What is samba. Samba in simple words
What is SARG. SARG in simple terms
What is a screenshot. Screenshot in simple words
What is seafile. Seafile in simple words
What is selinux. Selinux in simple words
What is server core. Server core in simple terms
What is a server. server in simple terms
What are shadow copies. Shadow copies in simple terms
What is sharepoint. Sharepoint in simple terms
What is a smart home. Smart home in simple words
What is S.M.A.R.T.. S.M.A.R.T. in simple terms
What is SMTP. What port is it running on
What is SOCKS. SOCKS in simple terms
What is SoftEther. SoftEther in simple words
What is SpamAssassin. SpamAssassin in simple terms
What is an SPF record. SPF record in simple words
What is SQL. SQL in simple words
What is squid. Squid in simple words
What is SquidGuard. SquidGuard in simple terms
What is an SSD. SSD in simple terms
What is SSH. SSH in simple terms
What is STUN. STUN in simple words
What is Suricata. Suricata in simple words
What is a switch. Switch in simple words
What is a symlink. A symbolic link is.
What is TCP/IP. TCP/IP in simple terms
What is TeamCity. TeamCity in simple terms
What is TeamPass. TeamPass in simple words
What is telnet. Telnet in simple terms
What is a terminal server. terminal server in simple terms
What is thermal paste. thermal paste in simple terms
What is Terraform. Terraform in simple words
What is a thin client. Thin client in simple terms
What is a touchpad. Touchpad in simple words
What is UAC. UAC in simple words
What is ubuntu. Ubuntu in simple words
What is UEFI. UEFI in simple terms
What is unix shell. unix shell commands
What is UNIX. UNIX in simple words
What is a UPS. UPS (UPS) in simple words
What is URL. URL in simple words
What is USB. USB in simple words
What is a utility. utility in simple terms
What is UWSGI. UWSGI in simple words
What is Hashicorp Vault. Hashicorp Vault in simple terms
What is viber. Viber in simple words
What is a video card. video card in simple terms
What is a paging file. swap file in simple terms
What is virtual box. Virtualbox in simple terms
What is vlan. Vlan in simple words
What is VMware. VMware in simple terms
What is VPN. Why is it needed.
What is a web server. web server in simple terms
What is WiFi. WiFi in simple words
What is WiMAX. WiMAX in simple words
What is windows. Windows in simple terms
What is the Windows key. Windows key in simple words
What is winsock. Winsock in simple words
What is WordPress. wordpress wordpress
What is WPA. WPA in simple terms
What is WPS. WPS in simple terms
What is xCache. Xcache in simple terms
What is Xibo. Xibo in simple words
What is XML. XML in simple terms
What is Yahoo. Yahoo in simple terms
What is yota. Yota in simple words
What is YouTube. YouTube in simple terms
What is Zabbix. Zabbix in simple words
What is Zimbra. Zimbra in simple words
What is Zookeeper. Zookeeper in simple words
What is Zulip. Zulip in simple words